DCA Benchmark Prices Delayed Prices


Your trusted Price Reporting Agency

Agricultural commodity markets are constantly shifting, influenced by factors such as weather conditions, supply-demand imbalances, geopolitical tensions, and logistical challenges. In this unpredictable environment, having access to accurate price data and market insights is essential.

Since 2005, DCA Market Intelligence, as a Price Reporting Agency, has provided over 90 industry-leading benchmark prices, market insights, and indexes for the agricultural sector. Our benchmark prices are meticulously crafted using transaction data provided by key market participants and follow a fixed protocol aligned with the latest EU regulations. You can learn more about our methodology on this page

Our benchmarks include:

  • DCA Dairy Benchmark Prices (e.g., milk, cheese, butter, powders, cream)
  • DCA Pigs and Piglets Benchmark Prices (Varkens Beursprijs 2.0, BestPigletPrice)
  • DCA Manure Benchmark Prices (e.g., beef, pig, poultry)
  • DCA Phosphate Rights Benchmark Prices
  • DCA Onion Package Benchmark Prices
  • DCA Carrot Benchmark Prices
  • DCA Frozen Fries Index
  • DCA EU-4 Potato Index
  • DCA Onions Spot and Forward Index


Discover the DCA Benchmark Prices